Discover the Joy and Wellness Benefits of Roller Skating: A Fun Exercise For All Ages

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There are things people say you can’t do when you get older. And, I’m sure roller skating is probably one of those things. Well, the powers that be will have to steal my roller skates and cut off my feet, because I will not be giving up my four-wheelers any time soon. I think everyone should be encouraged to do the things they enjoy for as long as they can. And for me that means to keep roller skating until the proverbial wheels fall off. 

I’ve loved roller skating since I was first introduced to skates. As a kid, I used to pull on my skates and roll down the hill where I grew up in Delaware. I remember times when playing with my dollhouse didn’t satisfy me, or when reading left me unsated, or when painting couldn’t hold my attention, but I could count on my roller skates to give me the kind of solitude and excitement that I needed. 

When I got older and had kids, I still kept a pair of skates around.

Neither of my kids seem to like skating as much as I do, but they’ve seen me skating on our block many times when they were growing up. My husband would look at me on my skates and be like, “Girl, you crazy.” 

I remember my neighbors would see me and wave and I’d be rolling along with a big ole smile on my face. 

Did I mind that I wasn’t roller skating with my kids? Nope. 

Did I mind that I was the only adult in my entire neighborhood roller skating? Nope. 

Did I enjoy roller skating and being at peace with my thoughts while doing it? Absolutely. 

Today I went roller skating on the Silver Comet Trail in Smyrna, GA. It felt like the little girl inside of me was jumping for joy. Meanwhile, the  woman that I am now, had her legs, arms, core and hips working like crazy.

My hips were burning, but my inner child was smiling. It was quintessential joy and pain. 

I realize people are often looking for new ways to spruce up their exercise routines. Roller skating isn’t only exercise but it provides other wellness benefits and mental health improvement.  

 Here are some key benefits:

1. Cardiovascular Health:

   Roller skating is an effective aerobic exercise, improving heart health and increasing endurance. It can raise your heart rate and help burn calories efficiently. For the 52 minutes that I skated today, my Apple Watch recorded my heart staying in Zone 3, 4 and 5 for the entire time. It was a great workout.

2. Muscle Strength and Tone:

   This activity works multiple muscle groups, including the legs, glutes, and core. The effort of maintaining balance and propelling oneself forward engages these muscles, leading to increased strength and toning. I felt my core muscles being engaged and my legs were burning throughout the workout.

I remember saying out loud, “My legs are on fire.” 

3. Joint Health:

   Unlike high-impact activities such as running, roller skating is a low-impact exercise. It reduces stress on the joints while still providing an effective workout, making it suitable for people with joint concerns or those recovering from injuries.

I need to see the doctor about this because I swear I felt my right hip joint was screaming, “Let me outta here!” 

4. Balance and Coordination:

   Skating improves balance, coordination, and agility. Regular practice helps develop these skills, which are beneficial in daily activities and can reduce the risk of falls. I love being balanced enough to skate. I plan to keep skating to keep my balance on point.

5. Mental Health:

   Physical activities like roller skating release endorphins, which can improve mood and reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. The enjoyment and social aspects of skating also contribute to overall mental well-being. After I finished skating today, I texted my son and told him how much I enjoyed myself. I also told him how proud I was that even though it was challenging, I kept going. Today was full of joy and I know roller skating played a big part. 

6. Calorie Burning:

   Roller skating is a great way to burn calories. Depending on the intensity, an hour of skating can burn between 300 to 600 calories, aiding in weight management and overall fitness. In less than an hour, I burned about 337 calories.

7. Flexibility and Mobility:

   The movements involved in roller skating, such as bending and extending the legs, help improve flexibility and joint mobility. This can contribute to better overall movement and reduce stiffness. I don’t typically feel stiff though I have recently had soreness in my right hip. After roller skating this morning, I haven’t felt hip soreness. Maybe it’s working. 

8. Social Interaction:

   Skating can be a social activity, whether it's at a rink or with a group of friends outdoors. Social interactions during physical activities have been shown to boost mental health and emotional well-being. While I was out skating today, there was an area on the trail which was made of wood planks which don’t work well with my four wheel skates. It took me a few minutes to realize I needed to get off the wood planks. There was a man approaching and he didn’t give me so much as a side glance as I tried to navigate that situation.

It was like he said, “Fall or don’t fall, just leave me alone.”

So, that was my experience today. I didn’t feel too bad about it though. Would I want a stranger falling all over me? I don't think so. 

Suggested Reading:

Overall, roller skating is a fun, versatile activity that provides a range of physical and mental health benefits, making it an excellent addition to any wellness routine. Don’t worry about being too old or out of shape to try skating. Get some knee pads, elbow pads, wrist pads and a helmet. Start out on flat surfaces and see if you like it. And remember, speak to a doctor or health professional before you start an exercise program.

Some research for this story was provided by AI.

Yasmin Shiraz

Versatile author, and TV writer / producer whose work has appeared AMC, Discovery ID, A&E, MTV and more. She writes and produces true crime podcasts and helps her clients develop TV, Film and Book projects.

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