7 Reasons Why You Should Try Using A Vision Board

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Like many people, I have struggled with having so many goals. I have often thought, “There are so many things that I want to do, how can I focus on getting them done?” While I’m fantasizing about the future, the reality of my daily responsibilities come pounding down on my head. For a long time, this caused me constant frustration. But over the last 10 years or so something surfaced in my creative circles. This unique thing, the vision board, bridges the gap between aspiration and achievement.

For those of you who may be unfamiliar, a vision board, is a collage of images, words, and symbols that represent your goals and dreams. It serves as a visual representation of what you want to achieve, acting as a constant reminder of your aspirations.

Lots of people dismiss the visual board of some kind of phooey. But a vision board can be a powerful tool for actualizing your goals. Here’s how.

1— Clarifying Your Vision

When I sit down to create my vision board, I realize the first step is to have a clear goal of what I want. A vision board forces you to articulate your goals in concrete terms. The vision board is only but so big so you have to make a decision about what you want MOST to put on the board.

As you sift through magazines, websites, and other sources for images and words that resonate with your desires, you refine and clarify your vision. This process helps transform vague wishes into specific objectives, making them more tangible and achievable.

2—Harnessing the Power of Visualization

The Law of Attraction hit the zeitgeist with the release of The Secret by Rhonda Byrne in 2006. The book claimed that thought can influence a person’s life. Around that time I became more familiar with vision boards. Creating a vision board uses the power of visualization which is in alignment with the law of attraction.

Athletes, performers, and successful people have long used visualization in across numerous fields. By consistently picturing their goals, they prime their minds to perform at their best.

A vision board enhances this practice by providing a physical space for your dreams. When you see your goals depicted visually every day, it reinforces your belief in their attainability. This mental rehearsal can increase motivation, improve performance, and boost your confidence, setting the stage for real-world success.

I’ve put “getting an entertainment attorney,” “becoming a member of the WGA,” and “selling a TV show,” all on my vision board. All three of those things subsequently happened. Say you’re a person who deals with low self-esteem, putting images on your vision board to focus on that issue can be helpful to you.

3— Keeping You Focused

When I achieved the three goals above, I realized how much that a vision board serves as a focal point, a daily reminder of what you are working towards. You ensure that your goals remain at the forefront of your mind when you place you vision board in a prominent location. This constant visual cue helps you stay aligned with your objectives, making it easier to prioritize your actions and decisions in a way that supports your aspirations.

I keep my vision boards across from my work desk or in a sacred space in my bedroom. I find that seeing my goals every day help me to be more intentional about my actions.

Music to use as you are meditating and focusing on your vision board.

4— Stimulating Emotional Engagement

Emotion plays a crucial role in goal attainment. When you are emotionally invested in your goals, you are more likely to put in the effort required to achieve them. A vision board can evoke strong emotions by depicting not just what you want, but why you want it. Whether it’s a sense of freedom, happiness, security, or pride, the images and words on your vision board should stir your emotions and fuel your passion. This emotional engagement can drive you to overcome obstacles and persist in the face of challenges.

I put words and affirmations on my vision board like, “Financial Freedom,” “I Am Stable,” “Entrepreneurship,” “Loving Relationships,” “Kindness,” etc. It’s important for me to have those things in my life. Someone else may not be interested in those particular things at all.

5— Encouraging Accountability

My research on this topic says that sharing your vision board with others can increase your accountability. Research also says that when you communicate your goals to friends, family, or a support group, you create a network of individuals who can encourage you, provide feedback, and hold you accountable. This external support can be invaluable in maintaining your commitment and momentum.

For me, personally, I have found having a vision board has increased my own commitment to my goals, and has strengthened my resolve to stick with them.

I haven’t shared the goals of my vision boards with anyone except my kids. It has felt too personal to share with others.

6— Manifesting Through the Law of Attraction

The concept of the Law of Attraction suggests that by focusing on positive thoughts and visualizing your goals, you attract those outcomes into your life. While some may view this total crap, the psychological principle behind it is sound. It is simply saying that by continually focusing on your goals, you program your subconscious mind to seek opportunities and take actions that align with your aspirations. A vision board serves as a tool to harness this principle, keeping your goals in sight and your mind attuned to possibilities that can lead to their realization.

Here's the Law of Attraction Explained... in 3 minutes.

7—Creating a Sense of Accomplishment

When I became a member of the WGA shortly after putting that goal on my vision board, I was beyond thrilled. I had tried to become a member for years and there were so many obstacles. When I clinched the goal, I realized the power of my vision board and felt a great sense of accomplishment.

As you begin to achieve the goals represented on your vision board, you experience a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. This positive reinforcement can create a virtuous cycle of success, boosting your confidence and motivating you to set and pursue even higher goals.

There are naysayers who don’t believe in the power of vision boards. I understand that. But, It doesn’t hurt you to try the vision board and see what begins to happen in your life. If you do begin a vision board practice, remember to updating your vision board to reflect new aspirations so that it keeps the process dynamic and forward-looking, ensuring that you continue to grow and evolve.

Yasmin Shiraz

Versatile author, and TV writer / producer whose work has appeared AMC, Discovery ID, A&E, MTV and more. She writes and produces true crime podcasts and helps her clients develop TV, Film and Book projects.


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