Mind Yasmin Shiraz Mind Yasmin Shiraz

Adult Coloring Books: 7 Reasons Why You Should Try One Now

As much as I colored when I was a kid, when I became an adult, I forgot about the activity until someone introduced me to adult coloring books. When I graduated from college and fully became an adult there were tons of things that I looked forward to –owning a home, traveling the world, and getting married. But as I looked forward, I didn’t think about the things that used to bring me joy that I’d be leaving behind.

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Body Yasmin Shiraz Body Yasmin Shiraz

Discover the Joy and Wellness Benefits of Roller Skating: A Fun Exercise For All Ages

There are things people say you can’t do when you get older. And, I’m sure roller skating is probably one of those things. Well, the powers that be will have to steal my roller skates and cut off my feet, because I will not be giving up my four-wheelers any time soon. I think everyone should be encouraged to do the things they enjoy for as long as they can. And for me that means to keep roller skating until the proverbial wheels fall off. 

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Life Yasmin Shiraz Life Yasmin Shiraz

Digital Detox: 10 Transformative Benefits I Experienced When Cutting Back on Social Media and Streaming

Research from the American Heart Association found that adults who watch TV three hours or more per day may be twice as likely to die prematurely than those who watch an hour or less.  Facebook’s internal research revealed that Instagram makes body image issues worse for teen girls. The National College Health Assessment found a significant link between the presence of Facebook and the deterioration in mental health among college students. 

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Life Yasmin Shiraz Life Yasmin Shiraz

Choosing Myself: 5 Times I Realized I Had To Step Back From Toxic People

We want the loving relationships we see on Instagram. We want to be the loving couple on Tik Tok who cooks together or works out together. We want the mother daughter social media connections where the mom and daughter get along, have each other’s backs and you feel the love shooting from your tiny phone screen. We want the family that we see on Facebook in matching Christmas pajamas. We want the family who rolls up 10 cars deep because you graduated from beauty school or barber college or wherever your heart set for you to go. We want the relationships we see in pictures.

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Life Yasmin Shiraz Life Yasmin Shiraz

7 Reasons Why You Should Try Using A Vision Board

Like many people, I have struggled with having so many goals. I have often thought, “There are so many things that I want to do, how can I focus on getting them done?” While I’m fantasizing about the future, the reality of my daily responsibilities come pounding down on my head. For a long time, this caused me constant frustration. But over the last 10 years or so something surfaced in my creative circles. This unique thing, the vision board, bridges the gap between aspiration and achievement.

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Body Yasmin Shiraz Body Yasmin Shiraz

How To Create A 30 Minute Daily Exercise Routine

Finding time to exercise can be challenging in today’s hectic world, but incorporating just 30 minutes of physical activity into your daily routine can have significant health benefits. Several years ago I did an experiment where I kept a mood and motivation journal.

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Life Yasmin Shiraz Life Yasmin Shiraz

How To Pick A Therapist (It’s easier than you think)

As therapy for mental health has risen in popularity over the years, more people have expressed frustration in selecting a therapist. But as we know, selecting a mental health professional can be a pivotal step towards improving your mental well-being. Given the wide array of therapists, counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists available, it can be overwhelming to decide who might be the best fit for you.

Here are five essential tips to help you make an informed decision.

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Life Yasmin Shiraz Life Yasmin Shiraz

Forming Habits: 11 Tips Worth Your Time

Forming habits is a powerful way to create positive changes in your life. Here are 11 key things people need to know about forming habits:

1. Start Small: Begin with tiny, manageable changes.

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Life Yasmin Shiraz Life Yasmin Shiraz

Need Help Setting Goals? 11 Things You Need To Know

Setting and achieving goals is an important aspect of personal and professional growth. Between using my vision boards, journaling and meditation on what’s possible, I get so much done in my life. I want to share some things that I feel have helped me TREMENDOUSLY. Here are 11 key things you need to know about setting goals…

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Body Yasmin Shiraz Body Yasmin Shiraz

5 Benefits of Yoga that You Didn’t Already Know (Or maybe you did)

I started doing yoga when I opened my first business and having employees began to stress me out. I didn’t have any preconceived notions about yoga, I just tried it. How did I know it was working? When my attorney said to me one day, “I can tell you did your yoga today because you’re calmer.” You mean I’m a raging, crazy person without it?

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Mind Yasmin Shiraz Mind Yasmin Shiraz

Feeling spiritually stuck? You’re not alone.

How long has it been since I’ve been to church regularly? Years upon years. Thank goodness, spiritual growth is a deeply personal journey that can be nurtured through various practices. Sometimes though you get to a place in your life where you just feel stuck. Here are five effective practices for fostering spiritual development and connecting more with yourself:

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Mind Yasmin Shiraz Mind Yasmin Shiraz

I Thought I was depressed, but it was Complex PTSD

You ever get that feeling that something is wrong with you but you can’t put your finger on it? Well, that had been me for decades. I thought I was suffering from depression and anxiety. I’d go from therapist to therapist when I felt myself struggling desperate to find out what was wrong with me.

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Mind Yasmin Shiraz Mind Yasmin Shiraz

5 Reasons I’d Go Crazy If Not For Meditation

Okay, let’s get one thing straight, the world is upside down right now. Sure, we can pretend that everything is normal. But, I’m not gonna do that. Not on this blog. Instead I’m gonna tell you exactly why I have to meditate so that I don’t find myself in some kind of straitjacket.

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Life Self Help Love Life Self Help Love

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone (you know you want to)

Stepping out of your comfort zone can be a daunting prospect, yet it is an essential part of personal growth and development. Our comfort zone, a psychological space where activities and behaviors fit a routine and pattern that minimizes stress and risk, can become a prison if we stay within it too long.

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