Mind Yasmin Shiraz Mind Yasmin Shiraz

Adult Coloring Books: 7 Reasons Why You Should Try One Now

As much as I colored when I was a kid, when I became an adult, I forgot about the activity until someone introduced me to adult coloring books. When I graduated from college and fully became an adult there were tons of things that I looked forward to –owning a home, traveling the world, and getting married. But as I looked forward, I didn’t think about the things that used to bring me joy that I’d be leaving behind.

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Mind Yasmin Shiraz Mind Yasmin Shiraz

Feeling spiritually stuck? You’re not alone.

How long has it been since I’ve been to church regularly? Years upon years. Thank goodness, spiritual growth is a deeply personal journey that can be nurtured through various practices. Sometimes though you get to a place in your life where you just feel stuck. Here are five effective practices for fostering spiritual development and connecting more with yourself:

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Mind Yasmin Shiraz Mind Yasmin Shiraz

I Thought I was depressed, but it was Complex PTSD

You ever get that feeling that something is wrong with you but you can’t put your finger on it? Well, that had been me for decades. I thought I was suffering from depression and anxiety. I’d go from therapist to therapist when I felt myself struggling desperate to find out what was wrong with me.

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Mind Yasmin Shiraz Mind Yasmin Shiraz

5 Reasons I’d Go Crazy If Not For Meditation

Okay, let’s get one thing straight, the world is upside down right now. Sure, we can pretend that everything is normal. But, I’m not gonna do that. Not on this blog. Instead I’m gonna tell you exactly why I have to meditate so that I don’t find myself in some kind of straitjacket.

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