Life Yasmin Shiraz Life Yasmin Shiraz

Digital Detox: 10 Transformative Benefits I Experienced When Cutting Back on Social Media and Streaming

Research from the American Heart Association found that adults who watch TV three hours or more per day may be twice as likely to die prematurely than those who watch an hour or less.  Facebook’s internal research revealed that Instagram makes body image issues worse for teen girls. The National College Health Assessment found a significant link between the presence of Facebook and the deterioration in mental health among college students. 

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Body Yasmin Shiraz Body Yasmin Shiraz

5 Benefits of Yoga that You Didn’t Already Know (Or maybe you did)

I started doing yoga when I opened my first business and having employees began to stress me out. I didn’t have any preconceived notions about yoga, I just tried it. How did I know it was working? When my attorney said to me one day, “I can tell you did your yoga today because you’re calmer.” You mean I’m a raging, crazy person without it?

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